mandag 19. september 2011

BIG picture update.....

 OTIS best new school at Trondheim Tattoo Convention 2011


 OTIS on Begils neck




 BEGIL.... Yes I fucked up my thump and was out for 7 weeks....stupid
Got an awsome tattoo though..

 OTIS driving to Trondheim

 The gang....

 BEGIL at Trondheim Tattoo Convention

 BEGIL at Trondheim Tattoo Convention






 BEGIL a friend surprised his wife with childhood portraits 
of him and her on their wedding night..
Pretty cool....









søndag 18. september 2011

Sooo. It`s been a while....

So we`re finaly back for an update. Been working hard and and havent realy had the time to update the blog. Been to some tattoo conventions, visiting and working. Worked at Trondheim Tattoo Convention a few weeks ago where otis got an aword, best new school.... Next up is a convention in Denmark in nov. then Cape Town in jan. Probably gonna turn up some pictures in some magasines in the near future so keep your eyes open. Exiting....

Gonna make a new post with a lot of new pictures in a couple of days. Some tattoos and some roadtrip pics... ;-) thats it for now.....

onsdag 1. juni 2011


So we are now open for buisness in our new shop. Unfortunately I lost all the fotos I toock during the rebuild, but here are some of the finnished product. We are extremely exited about our shop. Came out just the way we "planed" he he. Come see us any time for a chat, coffee or even a tattoo ;-)



mandag 23. mai 2011

Studio update

Sooo. Things have happened in the last few days. On friday we had a gig with our band TRAKTOR. After the gig we got drunk and started tearing down our shop. One of the other bands from the gig joined uss too. I think they had a blast. Some people got hurt but the walls came down, and they came down hard ha ha.
We allready started cleaning and rebuilding the shop and will work hard this  this week to get things in plase.
Heres some fotos from the tearing down party and the following days ;-)